Gen-Soba(whole Buckwheat)products of Maruoka,Fukui Pref. In authentic blend of 80% buckwheat +20%flour Recommended as Genji Standard Chilled buckwheat noodles with dipping souce
Tanba Black Bean Natto Soba Beauty & Healthy
Chilled buckwheat noodles with dipping sauce
topped with black bean Natto (sticky femented beans) from Tanba
Nutritious vitamin B2, E, K, minerals such as potassium, zinc, calcium, iron & dietary fiber included
Shinshu Oyada Daikon-Oroshi Soba Beauty & Healthy
Chilled buckwheat noodles with dipping sauce
topped with grated Daikon-radish which is chemical-free organic product by Mr. Kogiso in Oyada,Shinshu Pref.
Whitening effect by vitamin C & diastase
栃木 那須高原の農家からの直送なので鮮度が良い。山薬といわれるほど栄養価が高くヘルシー食品です。
Yamakake Soba Beauty & Healthy
Chilled buckwheat noodles with dipping sauce
topped with puree of Yamaimo (yam of mucilaginous texture)
Sticky with mucin protect mucous membrane of stomach, control blood sugar level, reduce cholesterol, anti-aging,, work Liver function and digest
国内産 河内鴨の上ロース使用。臭みが無く柔らかい鴨肉です。
Kamo Zaru Soba
Chiled buckwheat noodles with dipping souce topped with tender loin duck (Kawachi-Aigamo)
Ten Zaru Soba
Chilled buckwheat noodles with dipping sauce
topped with jumbo shrimp Tempra (not available if busy)
農家さんに源氏専用の田んぼで減農薬有機肥料米コシヒカリを作ってもらっています。また、白米は島根県雲南市の高橋さんの山の湧き水を使った減農薬コシヒカリを使用。(高橋さんは島根県認定エコファーマー)親子丼は宮崎産 淡路島産 大山産の鶏肉使用。蕎麦、出汁には一切の化学調味料や保存料は使用しておりません NO MSG店ですので小さなお子様や健康を気遣うお客さまに安心して食べていただけます。